Screeners 1 to 7 of 7 1-7
Beyond Fear
GENRE: Action
YEAR: 1993
Director: Robert Lyons
Fighting Fear and Facing Danger Deep In the Wilderness... Where Death is Her Hunter
College Kickboxers
GENRE: Adventure, Action
YEAR: 1991
Director: Eric Sherman
The Toughest Lessons They Learned Were Outside of School.
Deadly Past
GENRE: Drama, Action
YEAR: 1995
Director: Tibor Takacs
Bartender on parole gets re-involved with his previous girlfriend, only to discover he's part of her criminal scheme.
GENRE: Action
YEAR: 1991
Director: Paul Leder
He fought for his life, he died for his freedoms, and he did it all on his terms.
Kill Me Later
GENRE: Romantic Comedy, Adventure, Action
YEAR: 2000
Director: Dana Lustig
A man on the run for his life meets a woman who wants to end hers. They make a deal, “Help me now and I’ll kill you later.” And so begins the run for both their lives.
My Name Is Paul
GENRE: Word Feature Films, Action
YEAR: 2014
Director: Trey Ore
Caught between two worlds, Paul blinded by hate and intent on destruction is determined to find and kill Peter, the enemy. However a terrible accident takes him off course and on a road to discovery where he learns to live and love.
Trail (Let God), The
GENRE: Word Feature Films, Adventure
YEAR: 2014
Director: William Parker
Iin 1848, Levi decides it is time to head to California on th hunt for Gold with Amelia, his young housewife, to stake their claim and build a better life. On the trail they encounter unimaginable danger that will ultimately change the course of their lives.
Screeners 1 to 7 of 7 1-7